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Juan Ramón Jiménez para niños y niñas y otros seres curiosos
Author: Juan Ramón Jiménez
Illustrator: Violeta Monreal
Ages: From 5 to 9 years old
Publisher: Ediciones de la Torre
Publication Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-84-7960-470-7

Juan Ramon Jimenez for Boys and Girls... and Other Curious Beings

Biblioteca Alba y Mayo Series

Format: 22 x 22 cm. 

Binding: Hard Cover

Páginas: 48


This book is an anthology which contains 26 poems written by the great poet born in Moguer (Spain), the most suitable for young readers and for those who approach poetry as if they were children, illustrated by Violeta Monreal with small pieces of torn paper, specially chosen for this book and full of hues and subtle colors. The book comes complete with a photo album and some information about the author. Finally, the reader can write or draw what they felt about the book.

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