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Minicuentos de los colores
Author: Violeta Monreal
Illustrator: Violeta Monreal
Ages: From 0 to 2 years old
Collection: Minicuentos
Publisher: Bruño
Publication Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-84-216-8438-2

Minitales of the colors

Format: 9 x 9 cm. 

Binding: Hardback

Pages: 48, divided in eight minitales


This minitale collection introduces eight nice goblins: the red one, the orange one, the yellow one, the green one, the blue one, the white one, the black one and the brown one, who are going to help children to distinguish the main colors in the funniest way. 


Each one of the three book boxes in this collection shows farm animals, wild animals and colors familiar to children in an easy and funny way, raising their curiosity and their observation skills.


  • 00_estuche_colores.jpg
  • 01_estuche_colores.jpg
  • 02_estuche_colores.jpg
  • 03_estuche_colores.jpg
  • 04_estuche_colores.jpg